Planning Projects

General Plans, Specific Plans, Zoning Ordinances, Form-based Codes, and implementing ordinances.

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Environmental Studies

Compliance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEPA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Environmental Technical Studies, Air Quality, Noise, Biology, Archaeology.

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Program Management

Management of interdisciplinary consulting teams in the Civil Engineering, Environmental Planning, and Urban Planning fields.

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Projects and News

General Plan and Zoning Ordinance, City of El Centro, Imperial County, California

Project Director. Mr. Mooney managed the revision and updates of all elements of the City’s General Plan and Zoning and Subdivision ordinances. In addition to the mandatory General Plan elements, he prepared an optional economic development element which included an analysis of the industrial, commercial, retail, tourism, and financial opportunities on a citywide basis. This plan received the San Diego Chapter of the American Planning Association (APA) Award for Outstanding Plan of the Year.

General Plan Update, City of Modesto, Stanislaus County, California

Project Director. Mr. Mooney updated the general plan for legal compliance with recent state mandates. This program dealt with a plan that was considered complete and very successful in the community but was not in conformance with updates and state-mandated programs over the past 10 years. Mr. Mooney managed a complete review of all policy changes by the state over the subject period and a review of all City policies to determine their internal and external consistency with those programs and policies.


General Plan and Environmental Impact Report (EIR), City of Santee, San Diego County, California

Project Manager. Mr. Mooney prepared the General Plan and Master EIR, which focused on reorientation from a strictly residential suburban and strip commercial community to a greater mixed-use concept with a town center focal point. He prepared all General Plan elements, including the optional Community Design Element, and represented the City’s interest through the approval process.

About Us

The Mooney Planning Collaborative (MPC) provides public agencies, tribal governments and developers with innovative, cost effective, city and town planning programs in association with exhaustive environmental studies required under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

MPC brings together experienced planning and environmental professionals who offer clients a broad suite of services to meet the needs of individual projects or visionary long range General Plans or Master Plans. Our team of professionals has extensive experience in working with local agencies and Tribes as extension of staff or with community developers focusing on unique properties with complicated environmental issues.

MPC team members have lead planning and the associated CEQA and NEPA documents in many of California” most unique settings. These include all of the communities of San Diego County, foothills of Caliveras County, the Central Valley, Imperial Valley, Pasadena and greater Sacramento. Work for Tribal Governments has spanned the entire western United States.