Planning Projects

General Plans, Specific Plans, Zoning Ordinances, Form-based Codes, and implementing ordinances.

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Environmental Studies

Compliance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEPA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Environmental Technical Studies, Air Quality, Noise, Biology, Archaeology.

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Program Management

Management of interdisciplinary consulting teams in the Civil Engineering, Environmental Planning, and Urban Planning fields.

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Projects and News

Community Identity and Scenic Roadways Element, City of Vista, San Diego County, California

Project Director. Mr. Mooney prepared a Community Identity and Scenic Roadways Element of the City of Vista’s General Plan. This element creates a distinguished vision for Vista and identifies a series of programs to be implemented over the next 20 years to achieve the community’s goals. He developed and implemented an extensive citywide outreach program to ensure community input into goals and recommendations of the element. The culmination of the outreach program was establishment of neighborhood and citywide goals and guidelines, which received consensus among the neighborhoods. This program received the San Diego Chapter of the APA Award for Outstanding Planning Category.


Fairbanks Country Club, Watt Industries, Rancho Santa Fe, San Diego County, CA

Director. Mr. Mooney managed the preparation of a specific plan, Environmental Impact Report (EIR), and permit acquisition for this golf course/residential community with a 36-hole golf course covering 500 acres. Special focus of the specific plan was the creation of a master-planned community that integrated the San Dieguito River Valley and created a distinctive sense of place for an exclusive community.

Black Horse Farms, City of San Diego, CA

Project Director. Mr. Mooney managed a specific plan on University of California, San Diego property to serve as potential faculty housing and a commercial research facility and conference center. He addressed key issues that included traffic circulation and the project’s location west of the campus in an upscale residential neighborhood in La Jolla. Mr. Mooney implemented design guidelines which were important to the success of the plan, and that resolved the land use issues.

Luckey Ranch Environmental Impact Report (EIR), City of Brawley, Imperial County, CA

Project Director. Mr. Mooney managed a program-level and project-level EIR for a general plan amendment, annexation, specific plan, and tentative map submittal for the City of Brawley to assess impacts associated with build-out development of more than 2,000 acres adjacent to the existing city boundary, and only partially within the designated sphere of influence. He addressed important issues such as land use and public safety; circulation and traffic volumes; roadway and aircraft noise; aircraft and vehicle emissions; infrastructure and public services requirements for police, fire, and schools; light and glare; surface drainage/hydrology; preservation of prime and statewide important farmlands; population and housing; and preservation of sensitive species, such as the burrowing owl.

About Us

The Mooney Planning Collaborative (MPC) provides public agencies, tribal governments and developers with innovative, cost effective, city and town planning programs in association with exhaustive environmental studies required under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

MPC brings together experienced planning and environmental professionals who offer clients a broad suite of services to meet the needs of individual projects or visionary long range General Plans or Master Plans. Our team of professionals has extensive experience in working with local agencies and Tribes as extension of staff or with community developers focusing on unique properties with complicated environmental issues.

MPC team members have lead planning and the associated CEQA and NEPA documents in many of California” most unique settings. These include all of the communities of San Diego County, foothills of Caliveras County, the Central Valley, Imperial Valley, Pasadena and greater Sacramento. Work for Tribal Governments has spanned the entire western United States.